“Someone can always do your job a little better or faster or cheaper than you can.”- Seth Godin

The marketing guru’s statement echoes the sentiments of the current trends in business. Most webmasters feel growing pains when they need to expand from their existing setup to a larger one. But, the pinch or the impact truly strikes when a competitor offers the same service with better deals and faster speed online. Your competitor has probably moved onto a dedicated server.

A Dedicated Server Brings your Business Up To Speed

Dedicated server hosting usually involves a single computer which is dedicated towards the needs of a particular network. By having a server that is dedicated towards hosting, storing data or even communicating with other computers, businesses have the advantage of space, time and future resources. Here’s a look at the advantages of having a dedicated server.

Dedicated or shared?

Managed dedicated server hosting is practically viable despite being a bit more expensive than shared server hosting. When it comes to the decision-making process for a shared server or a dedicated server, check for factors that will make it easier for your business to propel ahead. We give a detailed run-down of the difference between dedicated and shared servers.


Choosing the one:

Choosing between a dedicated server and a shared server one should be practically easy. In an effort to choose convenience and low cost, most businesses choose to go with shared servers. Yet, despite the cost aspect, there are some definite advantages of having dedicated servers. So, if you are going to choose a dedicated server instead of a shared server, then, look out for these factors to improve your decision-making process. Here’s what need to check out on your server:

  • Check the compatibility of the OS in your server. Also, the open source stack involves should be vetted out for Ruby on Rails, Linux or even an Apache/php/mysql server.
  • By deciding on the technology stack, you can evaluate the amount of RAM that you need for your architecture.
  • To deal with performance issues, its best that you choose a dedicated server such as those offered by recognized server providers like the ones at the ResellerBytes.
  • In order to host images, videos or any other multimedia options like flash applications, its best to choose a server that offers the optimal bandwidth and disk space.
  • Check for monthly prices and setup costs. Compare the rates for software licensing, upgrades and parts, apart from other management plans and additional services.

Featuring amongst the top of the lists of the best providers of dedicated servers is the ResellerBytes. Compared to relatively good providers like Godaddy.com, ResellerBytes is more popular for the following three reasons:

  • Flexibility: ResellerBytes dedicated servers are designed to suit the needs of those involved in web hosting for personal use or for any business.
  • Fair prices: If you thought that dedicated server web hosting is expensive business, move away from the other providers and check out the latest offerings from ResellerBytes.
  • Reliable and bankable support: When it comes to the close to zero downtime and round the clock support, then it’s time that you ring up the support staff at the ResellerBytes.

As the statistics show, 62% of all websites in Alexa Top 10k by traffic are hosted on Dedicated Servers.

Lastly, the choice of the ideal server is it dedicated or shared should be determined only the conditions those that are unique to your business or personal use. Don’t hesitate to hunt for the ideal distributor of servers that follow the conditions based on your requirements.

When it’s about web hosting, balancing performance requirements along with budget aspects are paramount. Finding the cheapest hosting option may be easy, but finding the right hosting option that is reasonable as well as performs well can be quite a task. It is, therefore, important for you to search for a dependable and reliable host that has a reasonable pricing scheme in place.

Talking about Linux dedicated servers, many factors come together in order to influence the total cost of ownership. These factors include the cost of associated software along with initial and ongoing costs. There have been a lot of discussions over the years for dedicated servers and other types of web hosting solutions. But, the experts suggest that dedicated servers are the best. When they say Linux Dedicated servers are ideal, they mean Linux definitely has some advantages over Windows Dedicated servers.

Benefits of Linux Dedicated Servers

Linux dedicated servers play an important role in running and managing most e-commerce websites today. Today, Linux is one of the leading server operating systems and used in the world’s 10 fastest supercomputers. It plays a very important role in the management of e-commerce sites today. Besides, it is amongst the most popular choices in dedicated servers for top businesses today.

The best part of Linux dedicated server is that it can be conveniently installed in hardware and software and is known to be a reliable system to work with. In order to ensure that the operating environment is reliable and safe, Linux dedicated servers offers a lot of scalability to businesses. This, in turn, ensures a safer online presence for the business. Linux dedicated server provides businesses with maximum stability, security, and reliability in the market today along with being an affordable way to maintain a server.


As mentioned above, Linux dedicated servers offer a long term solution to most businesses at a reasonable cost. The setup cost is very low, while the operating system is free. That’s because this technology is open source and can be put in practice by many businesses. Dedicated Linux servers can be adapted and upgraded frequently since it is open source. There are multiple free applications designed to integrate with it. The latest versions of software applications are made available for free for those who want to update their existing ones. Businesses on a fixed budget can, thus, make the most out of this technology.


Dedicated Linux servers are secure and rarely crash. They’re designed with security features such as anti-spyware, malware, and firewall services. Users can conveniently control the content and server navigation with ease. This ensures maximum speed and uptime for businesses along with excellent performance. The community supported nature of Linux means that any reported bugs will be tested promptly and fixed.


Dedicated Linux servers let you easily expand your business by adding more servers purely due to the scalability of the system. Business operations can also be assured of a secure and reliable environment, making it all the more popular amongst business owners.

For those who use scripting in languages, a dedicated Linux server is a perfect choice, especially if you’re not looking for Windows environment in particular. To conclude, Linux dedicated servers provide the superior set of features allowing you to handle increased traffic while remaining cost-effective.

With several gTLDs releasing on a daily basis, we understand you have a LOT to share with your customers and resellers. 300+ new gTLDs have released already, several hundred MORE coming your way. In such a dynamic environment, it’s integral to focus on a TLD that is worth your time and effort. Through this blog post we discuss why .website is the right TLD that deserves your attention, in this fast growing new gTLD jungle!

1. Super Generic

The term ‘website’ is super generic. Understood in 8+ languages, this is an extension that will be the easiest to understand for your customer. Synonymous with the Internet itself, it is a perfect alternative for .com/.net domains too

2. Maximum Uptake

Being such a generic term, .website is a TLD that is for everyone out there and not only specific niches. This means ALL your new as well as existing customers are the perfect target for the extension. This directly means low effort, higher uptake. Be it mailing all your customers or highlighting it in check availability, you know every customer looking at .website is an actual prospect for the domain.

3. Popularity

Launched just 3 months ago, .website is popular globally and is the 4th fastest growing new gTLD out there. (Source: namestat.org). To add to this, we have noticed several active websites on .website.

What’s interesting to note is that these websites spread across genres and are offering a wide variety of products and services

4. Attractive offering

Lastly, to sweeten the deal, ResellerBytes is offering a ton of readymade material to get you started. You can download the logo, readymade banners, mailers, landing page content from here and spread the word to your customers & resellers.


Get started today & make the most of this limited time opportunity!

For the past few months, all our efforts have been concentrated towards boosting uptime.This would be done, by building redundancy around every hardware and software component that can fail. This, manifestly, holds true even for the mail storage boxes. We decided to invest in building what we internally call “rabbit pairs“, which are these powerful boxes with a huge storage capacity (upwards of 18 TB raw storage) and lightning fast IO responses by using tiered storage ( a mix of SSDs and slow SATA discs).

Where does the redundancy come from?

Here’s how.The rabbits are currently deployed in an Active-Passive setup where mail data is synced (resynced to be precise) to the slave regularly. So if we want to take a box down, we switch over to the slave, with near zero service down times. That’s not it !! We are also almost production ready with our clustered filesystem implementation which could theoretically make this setup Active-Active. But our first deployment would be to deploy the clustered file system architecture in Active-Passive so that we have a failover box which is hot and ready to switch whenever the master fails. This would get our storage to the atleast desirable level of fail safety. The net result, your mail should never go down !!

Once this setup is successfully deployed in production (hopefully in 3-4 weeks), we’ll migrate accounts from the older infrastructure to the rabbits. Get ready for at least a 10 fold performance improvement once you move to the new set up. We are all excited to go live on this. Just waiting for our Operations to weave their magic.

A bunch of us have also been busy automating the migration process. The cool part is that we’ve minimized the downtime required for the migrations. So you won’t even notice that your emails moved to this new infrastructure.

The next few weeks are going to be exciting for us and hopefully, this culminates into rock solid email services for your organization.

I’m certain all the recent hype surrounding .ASIA has hit you too. The question that first popped in my head, and probably yours too is – Is there actually as much potential in this new sponsored TLD? I’ll let the stats that I dug up do all the talking.

The Asian continent has an estimate of over half a billion Internet users, compared to 350 million in Europe and only 240 million in all of North America. Internet traffic from Asia has also outpaced all other markets. The stats suggest that more visitors originate from Asia (38%) than from Europe (26%) or North America (18%). *

With over 60% of the world’s population and an Internet usage growth of over 350%, Asia is a region that is experiencing tremendous economic and technical growth. The .ASIA top-level domain provides value that complements local country-code domains and other generic domains. Drawing up an excellent analogy from the media industry, some of the most powerful global media channels, like CNN and BBC to name a few, have created regional channels focused exclusively towards catering only to the Asian audience. Each has its space and value. “.ASIA” endeavors to serve this niche regional audience and market. Niche market would, however, be an understatement considering the statistics mentioned above. Now calculate the colossal number of global and regional enterprises targeting the Asian market, it is clear that the .ASIA value will grow at an exponential pace.

The goal behind introducing .ASIA was to provide an alternative to the ‘.com’ extension for the millions of individuals and businesses in Asia. More than 130 economies and countries around the world participated in the .Asia Sunrise. Seeing the results of the .ASIA Sunrise phase, which concluded with a success rate of over 90% (which is 40% higher than previous Domain Registry launches), I could say they have more than achieved their intended goal. Also, based on registry information, the volume of registrations received during the Sunrise applications was more than double the level for all other gTLD Sunrises except for .INFO.

Targeting an entire region like Asia often tends to be not only difficult but also expensive due to stringent local presence requirements. So, A unified Asian TLD could potentially be an extremely valuable and cost effective tool for businesses that are looking at reaching the entire region via a single domain registration instead of registering domains in each individual Asian country.

*Source for Internet stats from internetworldstats.com.
*Source on .ASIA domain registry stats from dotasia.org.

Over the last couple of months ResellerBytes has received a lot of requests for PHP 5.4 and we are proud to announce that our servers now support PHP 5.4! Yes. Now our Linux Hosting Servers support PHPv5.4 ?

This means, all our Linux SDH, MDH, BH/RH servers will also have PHPv5.4 along with old PHP versions. We will soon take a call for discontinuing the support for the older PHP versions on our servers (PHP v5.2).

The latest enhancements significantly improve PHP’s elegance, while removing deprecated functionality, resulting in a dramatic optimization of the runtime (up to 20% more speed and memory usage reduction).

FAQ (Some Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. How do I use PHP v5.4 on our Linux servers?
A. Just like PHP v5.3, there needs to be a blank file in the home directory of the user with the filename as “usealtphp54”

Q. Is it mentioned in the KnowledgeBase?
A. The information is accessible at this link: http://my.www.resellerbytes.com/kb/answer/1592

Q. What happens if there are two files usealtphp54 and usealtphp (both) in the home folder for a package?
A: Well, it picks up “usealtphp54” by default and sets the PHP version to 5.4 for that package.

Q. Was there any downtime involved during the deployment?
A. None what so ever !

SSL branding is synchronous with Trust. It’s been repeated time and again that customers will definitely not doubt your ‘sincerity to do business’ once they see you have certified and secured your website with a SSL certificate. Which directly translates to – using a trusted Certification Authority is essential for an effective Online Business.

As we have a recently posted about How to Secure Website Application & Server Level and more secure with EV SSL Certificates. Purchasing from proven, established vendors, specially in case of security products such as Digital Certificates, brings up the inevitable – How do I choose a SSL Certification Authority (CA) that my customers will Trust?

There are several things that buyers should look for when purchasing a certificate:

Reputation and Credibility of the CA
How long have they been in business?
Consumer Awareness?

Ubiquity of the Root
Is it embedded in all of the popular browsers?

Root is owned by the CA
And not chained like Third Party SSL certificates.

Lifecycle Management Tools
How easy is it to install, renew, reinstall and revoke if compromised.

Ease of Acquiring the certificate

For instance, Thawte provides their esteemed list of clients, that include Google, 3M Company, Honda Canada, Hershey, American Airlines, Credit Suisse Group, among others, with Root Certificates.

Removing all elements of doubt, Thawte has obtained the Trust Factor by successfully implementing the highest encryption and authentication standards recognized today.

Who uses text editors anymore? Coders, yes (and maybe Markdown fanatics like myself). But unless you work in an office environment, a majority of your writing now takes place online; most likely in Google Docs or the WordPress editor.

Writing online is great. It takes the biggest problem – saving and syncing data – totally out of the equation. But you also sacrifice in features. While Google Docs is catching up when it comes to formatting, Word still has a leg up.

One of the features writers use quite often is Find and Replace. While copy editors save our butts from internet ridicule, we do make a lot of mistakes. And we get lazy when it’s time to rectify them. In times like these, Find and Replace is very helpful.

Thank you Replace All. I shall forever be in your debt.

Search And Replace For Google Chrome

Search and Replace is a Chrome extension that works much like something you find in MS Word. It works for both web pages and text input fields. For bloggers who write in the WordPress editor, this extension can be really useful. Changing the text of articles or websites on your computer can also be fun.

Click on the extension from Chrome’s toolbar and you’ll find two fields: Search for and Replace with. Input the related text.

If you want to replace text in an editor like WordPress’s check the Input fields only? option. There’s also an option to Match Case, meaning letter capitalization.

Find And Replace For Google Docs

A lot of us write in Google Docs. It has Find and Replace functionality built in.

Windows users can use the handy Ctrl+H shortcut (Cmd+Shift+H for Mac users) to bring up the Find and Replace box.

Docs also has a Match Case option. Other than that it’s a simple affair. Unlike the Search and Replace extension you can manually scan through each word and decide to replace it or just use the Replace all button.

Find And Replace For Firefox

Find and Replace is a simple add-on for Firefox. Once installed, use the hotkey Shift+R to bring up the toolbar. Here you can enter the Find What and Replace With fields. Choose whether to be case-sensitive or not.

The add-on gives you an option to either replace text one by one or all at once.


FoxReplace is the text replacement tool for pros. It does not have a simple “replace this text with this other text” module. What you do get is preconfigured sets of rules and words.

From the FoxReplace add-on button go to FoxReplace settings and click Add. Here you can define specific URLs and substitutions for a page.

With FoxReplace, you can basically create intricate workflows to replace preconfigured text with something else.

How Will You Be Using Find And Replace In Browsers?

How do you plan on using these Find and Replace features in your favorite browser? Let us know in the comments below.

Website traffic is deemed the single most important factor when it comes to the success of a website but that statement needs to be qualified. Although it’s true that a constant stream of traffic is the lifeblood of a website, the quality of the traffic is far more important than the quantity.

Of course, any amount of website traffic is better than no traffic at all but even if you have the most perfect website, your site is doomed to fail if you are not getting visitors that are looking for the products or information you have available on your site.

It’s easy to get caught up in a numbers game. It’s exciting to see the number of visitors to your site climb from a few a day to a few hundred a day. On the surface, this looks like exactly what you want but if your visitors are looking for something other than what you are offering, for the most part, your website traffic is wasted.

You could have a great website design, compelling copy, the lowest prices and fantastic specials but all your efforts will be useless unless your website is drawing traffic that is interested in what you are providing or promoting.

You could have a great website design, compelling copy, the lowest prices and fantastic specials but all your efforts will be useless unless your website is drawing traffic that is interested in what you are providing or promoting.

The web is a very different venue than a shopping mall. A shopping mall relies on unfocused traffic, wondering from store to store, not looking for anything in particular but willing to spend it’s money on an impulse.

Believe it or not, people surfing the web will leave a website after viewing it for only about 2 seconds. They’re looking for specific items or information and if they don’t quickly find what they are looking for on your site, they’ll click out of your site and go to one of the other millions of sites on the web.

That’s why most of the successful websites are tightly focused on their ‘niche’ and their marketing plan is focused on driving people to their site that are looking for what they offer – they understand the importance of ‘targeted traffic’.

Of course, targeted traffic and a website focused on a particular ‘niche’ go hand and hand. Think about your website. Does it really lend itself to a specific product or service, or is it so broad that it tends to confuse potential customers?

Here are a few tips to help you prepare your website for targeted traffic:

Design your website to promote one particular product or service as your main item.

Determine the type of people that will be interested in your product or service and adjust your website to be attractive to them.

Establish the items or services that are ‘closely’ related to what you’re promoting on your website. If you think that they would be interesting to your visitors, offer those items on your website as well.

Keep a constant flow of free content, that your visitors will find useful, on your website and add new content and information often. Invite your visitors back to your site to see the new material you’re constantly adding.

Keep in mind, a website that’s focused on a particular ‘niche’ item or service lends itself to targeted traffic simply because there is something specific to target and the more targeted traffic your site receives, the more productive your site will be.

There are many conventional and many not so conventional ways to drive targeted traffic to your website but we’ll explore them in other articles.

The purpose of this article is to point out the difference between website traffic and targeted traffic. More isn’t always better and if you focus your marketing on ‘targeted traffic’ you’ll quickly find that the hits your getting on your website aren’t just empty numbers – they’ll be potential customers and, more importantly, sales.

Article marketing is not really rocket science. If you like writing and love putting words with each other and are aware of the principles of spelling and sentence structure usage, then you might be a whole lot closer to becoming excellent at this type of promoting. There are of course things to avoid otherwise known as “don’ts” as well as things you want to focus on with marketing with articles, otherwise known as “do’s”

As a result of browsing some other articles as well as your past ones, you might discover a large amount of the don’ts and do’s that are essential to your internet marketing success. The more knowledgeable you grow to be with marketing, of course the more you’ll learn of exactly what to avoid and what to do.

Let’s start with a number of “don’ts”

* You should never begin your rough draft with the phrase “The following article is about gardening,” (or whatever it happens to be). Always begin by using a thought-provoking problem or bold statement. The concept would be to draw your audience in and make them want to understand more about what you have published.

* Never make your article too long. Shorter ones tend to be more powerful with fewer chances of your reader becoming lost in your article.

* You should not turn your written article into a big product sales message. Steer clear of this process, it won’t improve your results. Your readers are searching for true information or, precisely what could this do for me personally? They are not looking for hyped-upped ad copy.

* You should never overly cram keywords and phrases into the articles. The various search engines aren’t keen on it.

* Don’t confuse your readers by starting off a sentence and never answering it or not identifying the resolution in the article.

And now for the do’s

* Discuss ideas that you’re experienced in or you have expertise in. When you possess experience with a certain subject, it always shows in your writing

* Do proofread your article, and then proofread it once again checking for spelling and grammar errors before posting it on the internet.

* You should always include a professional bio box with your article. Attempt to help make the reader interested in what else you provide.

* Regularly write articles and submit them to directories and websites. You should not stop at just submitting to a tiny handful. It’s going to take many submissions for you to benefit from it.

* Pay attention to your article statistics. Which ones are getting you the most traffic. You should promote or showcase those specific articles somehow.

There you have it, some simple do’s and don’ts of article marketing. If you don’t work marketing the proper way, then you’re wasting your time. You can write the best pieces in the world, however, if they’re not represented correctly, or you don’t follow the basic tips above, you are also wasting their time. Why not do it the proper way to begin with?

Start building your website today!

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